About the Program
Learn about who we are, what we do, and why we do it
Invision Recovery Houses are in a nice location in Lemoyne, PA that is conducive to recovery. We have 9 recovery houses all in close proximity providing a recovering community. The houses are close to a bus route with a new CAT Transfer Station a few blocks away.
There are three local job placement offices in the immediate neighborhood who readily assist the recovery house residents with employment. There are numerous AA/NA meetings in the close proximity to our houses in supporting this sober community.
For those in the need of on going substance abuse counseling New Insights II, a licensed drug and alcohol treatment facility, is a short walk away.
The Joanne House, a recovery house for women located in Lemoyne, PA. |
What to Expect
Thirty days of sobriety are required for admission.
Any drug or alcohol use will result in immediate expulsion.
All tenants must obtain employment, and hold down a job. A minimum of 20 hours a week is required. Those who have supplemental income, unemployment, or disability are still required to work or do 20 hours a week of community service.
Tenants must be in counseling, or have recently successfully completed drug and alcohol treatment. Those coming right out of rehab must continue with after care treatment.
A minimum of four AA or NA meetings per week are required.
Week night curfew is 10:00 pm, weekend curfew is 12:00 midnight for for the first 30 days. After the first month the week night curfew is 12:00 midnight, and the weekend curfew is 1:00 am.
Resident Requirements
All potential tenants must have at least 30 days of sobriety to be eligible to move in. Rent is $150.00 a week and is collected each Sunday. Payment is required at the time the new tenant moves in. Utilities, local phone service, internet, basic cable TV, cleaning supplies, and linens are provided. The houses are fully furnished. Tenants are responsible to buy their own food, and personal items.
Those interested should contact the Intake Coordinator (Men) - Larry Fedorko - (717) 525-0508, the Residential Supervisor (Women) - Amanda Maxton - (717) 831-8621, or email them: invisionrecoveryhouses@gmail.com
Click here to download a PDF of our Brochure.